You’re Pregnant in Gaza. What Happens Next?

Displaced, frightened and cut off from healthcare services, pregnant women in Gaza need urgent assistance. Our field hospital team is saving their lives—and the lives of their babies.

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Four Decades of Delivering Health and Hope

International Medical Corps was founded 40 years ago in Afghanistan by Dr. Robert Simon and other volunteer doctors and nurses who had one lifesaving mission in mind: deliver vital care, training and supplies to people who need it most, no matter where they are located or how challenging it may be to reach them. During …

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Growing a Healthier Tomorrow

When Tamenech Assale wakes up in her village in Ethiopia, she thinks about the eight children who rely on her. She’s a mother and grandmother, and she and her farmer husband struggle to provide for them. Their grandson, Tesfahun, whose mother left the family and whose father is away because of military service, was suffering …

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A Look Back: Two Years Since the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

International Medical Corps’ history in Ukraine dates back to 1999, but we’ve working consistently in the country since 2014, when conflict broke out in the southeast. Based in Mariupol, our team provided outpatient primary healthcare, mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS), gender-based violence (GBV) prevention and treatment services, and immunization support. When Russia invaded Ukraine …

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Top Ten Images of Humanitarian Aid from 2023

Like so many recent years, 2023 was a year of challenge and heartbreak for too many communities worldwide—wars rage on, the dangerous effects of climate change are on the rise and millions of people have been displaced from their homes, facing an uncertain future. Yet with the help of our global community of generous supporters, …

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When Disaster Struck Morocco and Libya, We Rushed In

When catastrophic natural disasters struck Morocco and Libya, International Medical Corps responded immediately. As usual, we are working with local partners and public authorities to provide critical care and supplies in the aftermath of these tragedies—and will expand the scope of our responses as needs dictate. Massive Earthquake in Morocco On September 8, a 6.8-magnitude …

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Five Things Ukrainians Want You to Know About Ukraine

Dobryi den! My name is Taylor Cook, and I work at International Medical Corps as a Senior Communications Operations Officer on our Global Communications team. I usually work out of our Los Angeles headquarters, but earlier this year—with only one week’s notice—I accepted a work assignment that took me more than 6,000 miles around the …

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Helping Children in Gaza Break Free from Fear and Shame

Nine-year-old Aliyah* started to wet her bed after the Israeli-Palestinian conflict escalated in May 2021. The airstrikes and bombardment that followed left her so fearful that she was afraid to even step outside her home, especially at night. Sleeping became a source of anxiety for her, and her academic performance deteriorated. “I have nightmares about …

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Daring to Dream

Editor’s Note: International Medical Corps’ Yemen Blog presents a rare view of life in Yemen, chronicled by our first responders as they battle one of the world’s worst humanitarian disasters—one fueled by poverty, hunger, disease and a seemingly endless war, now in its ninth year. The entry below is the second written by Dr. Esmail …

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Emergency Response to the Conflict in Sudan

On April 15, clashes between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces erupted in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. Due to the conflict, large segments of the population have been completely cut off from essential services, hundreds have been killed nationwide and thousands have been injured. Sudan has long been plagued by tribal …

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Saving Children’s Lives at a Modest Cost

It cost just $50 for the medicines needed to save baby Shamekh. Indeed, the entire three-week treatment provided by International Medical Corps to rescue the 17-month-old Yemeni boy from death’s door totaled just $511. That sum included all direct treatment costs for Shamekh during his three-week stay at Al Dorah Hospital, where International Medical Corps …

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