Furniture Delivered to Damaged Mykolaivska Health Facilities

War has left healthcare facilities across Ukraine damaged. Supported by the European Union, we're getting everything from medical supplies to furniture to facilities in need.

Mykolaivska oblast in the south of Ukraine has faced severe consequences following the full-scale Russian invasion that began in February 2022. The conflict has led to daily missile strikes and bombings, resulting in significant destruction and mass displacement. Although the formerly occupied regions of the oblast have now returned to Ukrainian control, hundreds of thousands of residents have been displaced. In particular, the Bashtanka and Mykolaiv districts have been severely affected by the ongoing conflict.

In this challenging environment, the Mishkovo-Pohorilove Center of Primary Medical and Sanitary Care and the ambulatories in Kotliareve, Pervomaiske and Shevchenkove, among others, faced considerable damage. These facilities provide vital healthcare to a significant number of people despite the large number of people who have fled the area to escape the conflict.

The Pervomaiske and Kotliareve ambulatories provide essential services for the residents of the area—especially vulnerable people such as elderly people, children and people living with chronic illnesses. The Pervomaiske ambulatory, despite receiving significant damage by rocket fire, continues to tend to around 20 patients daily. The Kotliareve ambulatory, which also faced substantial damage due to rocket attacks, also serves approximately 20 patients daily, with that number rising to about 30 during the flu season. These ambulatories are some of the most essential health facilities in the area, and have been delivering healthcare services to the local population even during the current challenging environment.

New shelves at the Kotliareve Ambulatory help the staff organise and work more efficiently.
New shelves at the Kotliareve Ambulatory help the staff organise and work more efficiently.

With funding from the European Union, International Medical Corps stepped in to support the health facilities, procuring and delivering crucial medical supplies and commodities to the Mishkovo-Pohorilove Center of Primary Medical and Sanitary Care, including the Kotliareve, Pervomaiske and Shevchenkove ambulatories.

International Medical Corps’ work didn’t end there. We also supplied medical and office furniture to the damaged facilities, which not only enhances patients’ comfort during consultations, but also improves the organisation and storage of medicine for more effective healthcare delivery.

The staff of the health facilities were grateful for the deliveries, which help them do their jobs more effectively, despite the challenging circumstances.